
Bachelor students

Name            Year  Thesis title (keywords)
Brigitte Nauta 2024 Safe Cycling in Rotterdam - Designing a safe bicycle route from the centre of Rotterdam to Schiedam (Cyclists, bicycle network design, safety)
Casper Polet 2024 The effect on traffic delay because of the ViNotion system for cyclists at Poortlandplein, Delft - Analysis of provided data for the Poortlandplein intersection in Delft, which gives an insight on traffic influences because of the ViNotion system (Cyclist priority, intersections, ViNotion, traffic delay)
Jarno Jorritsma 2024 Understanding the Recent Trends of Cyclist Crashes in the Netherlands - Quantitative Analysis of Recent Cycling Crashes in Four Major Dutch Cities and Analysis of Cycling Trends in the Netherlands (Cyclist crashes, quantitative analysis)
Maïssae el Aazizi 2024 Traffic in Transition: Assessing Hoefkade Closure’s Influence on Surrounding Streets - An Insight into Traffic Patterns and Safety Implications Following Hoefkade Closure in The Hague: Lessons for Urban Infrastructure Projects (Road closure, demand analysis, safety)
Antoon Poelmans 2023 Red-Light Negation by Cyclists: Insight into Red-Light Violations by Cyclists at the Jaffalaan-Mekelweg Junction on the TU Delft Campus (Cyclists, red-light negation, intersections)
Arend-Jan Timmermans Arribas 2023 Bicycle lane safety in the city of Barcelona: Using perception of safety and encouragement to analyse safety and the use of bicycle lanes (Cycling network, bicycle network, safety perception, bicycle usage)
Daniël Rijnders 2023 Queuing at a revolving door: Identifying queues in trajectory data using speed profiles (Pedestrians, queue, revolving doors, trajectory data)
Tieme van Hijum 2023 Cycling In A Greener City 2.0: Creating an even easier way to make cycling more comfortable in high temperatures (Cycling network, bicycle network, tree placement, automation)
Mathijs Markus 2023 Alternatives for public transport in rural areas: How can alternative forms of public transport be used more to increase the mobility availability in rural areas in Friesland, The Netherlands (PT network, rural areas, mobility availability)
Tijs Braaksma 2023 Parking spaces for micromobility: Exploring the challenges and possibilities for the municipality of Amsterdam (Micro-mobility, E-scooter, parking spaces)
Thomas Pennock 2023 Are E-scooters used as a last-mile solution or a full-mile solution? (Micro-mobility, E-scooter, last-mile solution)
Hessel Rozema 2023 The effect of public transport strikes on road congestion: A case study in the Netherlands (Congestion, PT network strikes)
Mark Swaalf 2023 Implications of increased e-bike usage: an analysis of the modal shift (Modal choice, e-bike)
Lars Dijkstra 2022 How do different modes of transport effect data from the Xovis PC2R outdoor sensor at bicycle parking facilities (Bicycle sensor, parking facilities)
Katrien de Jong 2022 Intelligent bicycle path sensors (Bicycle sensor, intelligent cycle path)
Marcel Claus 2022 An analysis of car passengers modal choice on car-free days (Modal choice, car-free days)
Jonas Bottelier 2022 Bicycle network design: The design of a bicycle network on TUD campus Zuid (Bicycle network design, TUD campus Zuid)
Sander Schaap 2022 De Grote Marktstraat: an unsuccessful example of Shared Space? (Shared spaces, urban design)
Janine Timmerman 2022 Capacity of cyclists at a signalized intersection: An analysis of scenarios that can happen during the queue discharge (Cyclists, intersection, capacity)
Jochem van Dijk 2022 Analysing the influence of a cyclist’s position and the local density on bicycle queues (Cyclists, intersection, queuing)
Rania Ellounissi 2022 Shared mobility for less agile cyclists: The search for improvements on the current shared bicycle systems in the Netherlands (Shared bicycle, less agile)
Edith Goderis 2022 Traffic reduction strategies in Ghent: Research through Conjoint Analysis into Traffic Diversion Strategies and the Implementation of Congestion Charges in the City of Ghent, Belgium (Cars, congestion charges, traffic diversion)
Romi Krutzen 2021 Safe cycling network for the municipality of Alphen aan den Rijn: Developing a 3-level cycling network suitable for all cyclists (Bicycle network design, 3-level network)
Sarah Quta 2021 The experience of traffic safety in the shared space behind Amsterdam Central Station: a comparison between tourists and locals (Shared spaces, traffic safety, tourists)
Jorrit Spaargaren 2021 Bicycle parking system station Delft: A study into the optimal bike parking system for underground bicycle facility one at station Delft (Bicycle parking, station Delft)
Bodhi Vermeulen 2021 Infrastructure for cyclists, preference and perception of safety (Bicycle network design, safety)
Evelien Knopper 2021 The effect of lane division due to Covid-19 in a shared space (Shared spaces, perception of safety, pedestrians and cyclists, lane division, padenmic)
Hidde Vincken 2021 The behaviour regarding priority on a bicycle boulevard (Bicycle network design, priority)
Lisa Scholtens 2021 Pedestrian safety perception in shared space streets (Shared spaces, safety)
Schelto Blanken 2021 Safe public transport during a pandemic (PT netwrok, safety, pandemic)
Sietse Soethout 2020 Prices for bicycle storage for E-bike and regular bike users (Bicycle storage, pricing)
Vitali J. van Elk 2020 The behaviour of pedestrians in public spaces and sense of security during the corona crisis (Pedestrians, safety/security, pandemic)
Robin Dissel 2020 The start-up loss time of a cyclist at a signalised intersection (Cyclists, intersection, start-up loss time)
Jesse Groenewegen 2020 Gained Distance-Headway in a bicycle queue at a signalized intersection (Cyclists, intersection, distance-headway)
Babette den Hollander 2020 Behaviour in supermarkets during the corona crisis (Pedestrians, supermarkets, pandemic)
Gerben van der Horst 2020 Public Transport during coronavirus outbreak (PT network, safety, pandemic)
Arnoud de Jong 2020 Fast cycle network in Amersfoort (Bicycle network design, Amersfoort)
Bobby Kartoidjojo 2020 Tram bottlenecks in Amsterdam after implementation of the Noord-Zuidlijn (Tram system, NZ line)
Merel Sterk 2020 Use of bicycle sensors by Dutch municipalities (Bicycle sensors, Dutch municipalities, survey)
Sanny Toonen 2020 Lane recognition for automated vehicles (Lane recognition, automated vehicles)
Gerben Andringa 2019 Optimizing the bicycle path network around Utrecht (Bicycle network design, Utrecht)
Rolien Hoslter 2019 Introducing a low emission zone (Urban design, low emission zone)
Jarco Vianen 2019 Influence of the Pilot Mobility Scheme on the intention to change modality (Modal shift, Pilot Mobility Scheme in TUD)
Luc Stappers 2019 Optimizing of reaction time determination and its influence on bicycle flow during queue discharge process at a signalized intersection (Cyclists, intersection, reaction time)
Rob Menken 2019 Counting the crowd at TU Delft library (Pedestrians, counting, TUD library)
Adwin de Bont 2018 Impact of automated vehicle lanes on highway traffic flow (Automated vehicles, traffic flow)
Anton Mihalevschi 2018 The potential for switching modes (Modal shift, Amsterdam)
Timo Dijkstra 2018 Design solutions to increase frequency on the rail corridor Den Haag CS – Rotterdam Lombardijen (PT network, rail corridor, frequency)
Mees Poppe 2018 Analysis of bicycle flow models at signalized intersections (Cyclists, intersection, time-headway distribution)
Lars Heijenrath 2018 Comparing different methods of crowdedness calculation for cyclists at signalized intersections (Cyclists, intersection, crowdedness)
Lara Witte 2018 Individual cyclist behavior- Characteristics of the steering angle from an individual cyclist in a controlled laboratory experiment (Cyclists, steering angle)
Eline Molier 2018 The Funnel of Amsterdam - Accessibility & Viability of “De Entree” in Amsterdam (Urban accessibility, Amsterdam)
Lise Andringa 2018 Accessibility and Viability of Rotterdam Central District - More priority to cyclists and pedestrians in the Delftseplein and the Conradstraat (Urban accessibility, Rotterdam central district)
Simone Hoskam 2017 The experience of safety of cyclists and pedestrians in a shared space (Shared spaces, experience of safety)
Timo Eijkelkamp 2017 Level of service in the shared space area for pedestrians and bicycles (Shared spaces, level of service)
Erik Scholten 2017 Bicycle safe Antwerp - A redevelopment of city centre streets through Dutch guidelines (Bicycle network design, safety)
Bart Guinée 2017 From A4 to a ten - Congestion analysis on the A4 between Hoogmade and Zoeterwoude-Dorp (Freeway, congestion analysis, A4)
Thijs van Gelderen 2017 Safety of speed-pedelecs on car lanes and bicycle paths (Speed-pedelecs, safety)
Don Nedd 2017 Shared space guidelines: Categorizing their environment and analyzing claims (Shared spaces, design guidelines)
Yida Tao 2017 Success factors in increasing a higher modal share of environmentally friendly transport modes (Modal shift, environmentally friendly, success factors)
Theo Liu 2017 The evaluation of the pilot Breng Flex - An urban Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) service around Arnhem and Nijmegen (Demand responsive transport, Breng-Flex)
Thijs Bon 2017 Quantitative cyclist interaction behavior in bidirectional encounter (Cyclists, interaction behaviour)
Martijn Heufke Kantelaar 2016 Lelystad Airport OV-Ontsluiting (In Dutch) (PT network design, airport accessibility)
Ago den Heijer 2016 Stedelijke Ontwikkelings-barrière (In Dutch) (Urban design, accessibility)
Martijn Stevens 2016 Schakel A16 – A4 – Ter verlichting A13 (In Dutch) (Freeway design)
Joost Tegelberg 2016 Aansluiting dubbeldeks autosnelwegen (In Dutch) (Freeway design, double-decked motorway)

Master students

Name            Year  Thesis title
Berend van Voorst tot Voorst 2023 Analysing and modelling of influencing attributes on transfer walking times for metro transfers
Jan van der Spaa 2022 Design of a structure free intersection controller for connected bicycles and cars using model based control and a genetic algorithm
Paula Godoy 2020 Forecasting crowd movements in real-time
Chen-Yen Chou 2020 Verification of cyclist simulation model
Panagiotis Chatzis 2020 Improving signal aspect awareness of a driver advisory system over the Dutch signalling system to increase capacity
Rishabh Mittal 2020 Sensing shared space using 3D stereo vision
Elise Zuurbier 2019 Understanding pedestrians’ perception of crowdedness at mass events
Paul van Erp 2015 Incorporating the information and uncertainties of loop-detector and floating car data in freeway traffic state estimation
Friso Scholten 2015 Short-term prediction tool for traffic control centers
Xiao Xiao 2015 Estimation of missing flow at junctions using control plan and floating car data
Min Zhi 2014 Application of the quantitative hierarchical model to coordinated ramp metering control

PhD students

Name            Year  Thesis title
Alexandra Gavriilidou 2021 Cyclists in Motion - from data collection to behavioural models
Yu Han 2017 Fast model predictive control approaches for road traffic control