Other academic activities

Invited talk:

  • Lecture series: Pedestrian Simulation Fundamentals, Real Time Crowd Monitoring, Crowd Modelling and Simulation, Mixed Traffic Flow Modelling. Tongji University, 2019
  • Crowd Modelling, Monitoring and Management in Europe. Shanghai Open University, China, 2019
  • Pedestrian simulation Quanzhou Hub. Quanzhou, China, July 2017
  • Efficient traffic state estimation based on a localized and deterministic Ensemble Kalman Filter. LICIT-ENTPE, Lyon, France, October 2015
  • Driving behaviour transition during evacuation and its implication for traffic flow operations based on an open-source traffic simulation platform “OTSim”, Joint Chinese-Dutch Seminar on Transportation Management and Travel Behaviour for Urban Emergencies: Past, Present, and Future Research, Shanghai, China, June 2014

Reviewer for various international conferences and scientific journals:

  • Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (TRB, 2009-2023)
  • IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Conference (IEEE-ITSC2010, IEEE-ITSC2013-2024)
  • IFAC World Congress (IFAC-WC2011, IFAC-WC2016)
  • IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC2010, ICNSC2011)
  • International Conference on Models and Technologies for ITS (MT-ITS2011)
  • Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART2013, hEART 2015, hEART 2016)
  • International Conference of Road Safety and Simulation (RSS2017)
  • Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC2009)
  • IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2011-2018)
  • IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine (2017-2018)
  • Journal of Advanced Transportation (2017)
  • Physical D: Nonlinear Phenomena
  • Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
  • Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations (2012-2013)
  • Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
  • Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies
  • Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
  • Transportmetrica A: Transport Science
  • Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics

Workshop Organizations:

  • The 9th Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics. Session: simulations.  2018. (Session chair)
  • Transportation Research Board (TRB) annual meeting workshop on ITS for Crowd Management: Recent Advance in Data and Models - hosted by crowd subcommittee of the standing Committee on Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics AHB45. Washington, D.C., the USA. 2018 (Co-chair)
  • Joint Austrian Institute Of Technology (AIT) - Delft University of Technology (TUD) workshop on Active Mode Modelling and Simulation. Delft, the Netherlands. 2018 (Organizer)
  • Advances In Road Traffic Modelling and Control, TRAIL Workshop, Delft, the Netherlands. December 2017 (Chair)
  • Organizing committee member of TRISTAN-Symposium IX 2016
  • Joint Sino-Dutch Seminar on Crowd Modelling and Management in Large-Scale Event and Transport Hubs. Shanghai, China. 2016 (Organizer)


  • Associate editor of regular papers for International IEEE Annual Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2013~2024
  • Associate editor of regular papers for International IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium (IV). , 2023~2024


  • Bachelor Graduaction Projects (CTB3000)
  • State estimation and data fusion in transportation networks (M304605B)
  • Traffic Engineering (BJTU-TUD joint BSc education program)
  • Landside Accessibility of Airport (CT3080LR)
  • Traffic Flow Modelling and Control Part 2 (CIE5821)
  • Active Modes: Traffic and Transport (CIE5822)
  • Internships, additional thesis project, BSc./MSc. thesis projects, ...